Hung's Notebook


What's the difference between false commitment and true commitment?

We can distinguish between true and false commitment only post-hoc. After you failed to show up for the kid's match. After you still smoked through a packet of Camel or downed a whole Jim Beam after swearing to quit. After you failed, failed, failed, failed, a thousand times again. That's not what I need. I need to know if a commitment, particularly if my commitment, is really real, right now. I don't want to wait until I have failed to be certain.

I wrote this after a failure. It's not the type that puts you in debt or makes you lose family, luckily. It's "just" a failure to change. We accumulate habits as we go through life. They all serve us in some way. But like anything, they have an expiry date of its usefulness. Some's is the day you die, like breathing's. But most of them expire way before that. But while we are good at gaining habits, we are bad at discarding them. So often we are stuck with habits that do not serve us right now. Broadly, we are stuck with a life that does not serve us right now. That's "go with the flow" for you.

I disagree. Only dead fish go with the flow. I am not dead, so decide I must.
