Hung's Notebook

Pick Up What They Put Down

I recently wrote about Learn in Public. I think that the piece is still a tad short, that I can elaborate, but I chose not to. It's short, but the core message is clearly there. You can immediately take action, which makes short even better. The sooner you take action, the better.

With that said, many ideas revolving around Learn in Public are worth exploring further. "Pick Up What They Put Down" is one strong related idea, especially when you want to move from consumer to contributor.

What it is

First, you need to seek a person you admire/whom you want to become. Then you seek out something new that they do. In software, it means libraries, courses, demos, videos, podcasts, books, blogposts, etc. Choose something new, so that it's at the top of their mind, and they lack genuine feedback about, and something you love, so that you are less likely to end up complaing about their new baby. (Of course, if you have a way with word, you would probably be fine.)

After you pick it up e.g., opening up issues, writing documentation, asking questions, making demo, writing blog of this new thingy, you let them know. Tag them on Twitter or LinkedIn, comment on their video or blog, email them nicely.

What very likely happens next is you receive feedback, straight from your idol.

How It Works

Recall the 1% Rule. Most people are very shy. They will scroll and read, but do not contribute 💩, let alone create.

I help moderate a subreddit with 300k monthly unique visitors - charitably, about 2k of them actually comment, and say 100 people consistently submit content.

I get 2-3m tweet impressions a month, but only about 1- 2k mentions/replies.

So there's a dire need of feedback, because people don't even want to comment an one-liner on a video. Even more so for superstars. I mean, everybody revels in what they do, everybody wants to please them. The only genuine feedback may only come from fellow superstars, which are not that many. So it's another low-hanging fruit - tell them how they like their work, promote it for them, and do so honestly. You are suddenly outstanding from the rest of the world to them.

For you, well, you receive genuine attention from your idol, and feedback for your next move. You could even turn it into regular communication. Enough back and forth, and you may realize you just make a friend, even make a mentor out of your idol, if you prove yourself to be an earnest learner. Which is a pretty, outstanding move. I would trade one month salary anytime for this if you ask me.


The swyx's take can be found here, though I am confident I cover pretty much it. What is left your action. Go check out that new library/language/course from your admired superstar coders. Write them a hearty and honest review. And witness magic😉.

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